• Basic Services
  • Services Offered
  • About Demat
  • Other information

Demat Account : Basic Services

Basic Services

Bank of Baroda India’s International Bank are depository participant of Central Depository Services Limited as well as National Securities Depository Limited.

Under the provisions of the Depositories Act, Bank of Baroda provides various services to investors and other participants in the capital market such as an individual, non-resident Indian, foreign institutional investor, trusts, clearing houses, financial institution, clearing members and mutual funds. These include basic facilities like account maintenance, dematerialisation, settlement of trades through market transfers, off market transfers and inter-depository transfers, distribution of non-cash corporate actions and nomination/transmission

To avail of the various services offered by NSDL an investor/a broker/an approved intermediary (for lending and borrowing) has to open a NSDL depository account with any of its DPs.

To avail of the various services offered by CDSL, an investor/a broker/an approved intermediary has to open a CDSL depository account with any of its DPs.

Features of Demat account

  • Free account opening.
  • No account maintenance charges (AMC) first year.
  • Free SMS alert facility.
  • Free ASBA (app supported by blocked amount)
  • Free nomination.
  • Transparent services charges.
  • No hidden charges.
  • Free monthly transaction statements.
  • Easiest facility available to view your securities online in CDSL demat account.
  • IDeaS/SPEED-e facility available to view your securities online in NSDL demat account.

  • Attention Investors

  • No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorise your bank to make payment in        case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account.
  • Prevent unauthorized transactions in your demat/trading account. Update your mobile number/email ID with your depository participant/stock broker. Receive alerts on your        registered mobile/email ID for all debit and other important transactions in your demat/ trading account directly from NSDL/CDSL/Stock Exchanges on the same       day..........issued in the interest of investors.
  • KYC is one-time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, Mutual Fund, etc.), you need not undergo the        same process again when you approach another intermediary.
  • For demat related issues, you may write to us at dematcare@bobcaps.in
  • For Trading related issues you may write at customercare@bobcaps.in
  • If not satisfied with response of the Depository participant, you may contact the concerned stock exchange/depository at the following:

    Exchange Web Address Contact No Email-id
    BSE https//www.bseindia.com/ 022 22728517 is@bseindia.com
    NSE https//www.nseindia.com/ 1800220058 ignse@nse.co.in
    MCX-SX http://www.mcx-sx.com/ 022 61129000 info@mcx-sx.com

    Depository Web Address Contact No Email-id
    CDSL https//www.cdslindia.com/ 18002005533 complaints@cdslindia.com
    NSDL https//www.nsdl.co.in/ 02224994200 relations@nsdl.co.in

    You can also lodge your grievances with SEBI at https//scores.sebi.gov.in/ For any queries, feedback or assistance, please contact SEBI Office on Toll Free Helpline at 1800227575 / 18002667575.

    Filing compliant on SCORES – Easy & quick

  • Register on SCORES portal
  • Mandatory details for filing complaints on SCORES
  • Name, PAN, Address, Mobile Number, E-mail ID
  • Benefits:

                 1.Effective Communication
                 2.Speedy redressal of the grievances


    Customer can also register their complaint at Securities Market Approach for Resolution Through ODR Portal (SMART ODR Portal): https//smartodr.in/login

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  • Demat Account : Services Offered

    Services Offered

    Various services offered by DPs with respect to these accounts are as follows:

    Standing Instruction Facility

    DP enters the advice for the transfer of securities to or from a beneficial owner's account only on receipt of instructions from the client. The clients need to give delivery instruction to transfer securities from their account and receipt instruction to get credit into their account. However, for ease of operation, a facility of standing instruction is provided to the clients for receiving securities to the credit of their accounts without any further instruction from them.

    Change in Address

    The client can change his address by submitting the changes in writing to the DP. The changes conveyed to the DP will be automatically communicated to the companies in which he is holding shares in dematerialised form.

    The following requirements should be complied with in case of individuals:

  • The customer should personally visit the demat authorise Branch.
  • In case of joint holdings, all holders must sign the modification form.
  • In case of any cancellation done on the request form, the same needs to be counter signed by the customer(s).
  • Self-attested proof of identity (PAN card is mandatory) of the customer (sole holder or either of the holders) visiting the Branch as per KRA guidelines.
  • Self-attested proof of new address (photocopy of any one of the documents listed in the checklist) along with the original documents of the new address.
  • The following requirements should be complied with in case of non-Individuals:

  • Customer needs to submit an application for change of address of the corporate entity, signed by the authorised signatories.
  • Along with the application for change of address, following documents are required mandatorily.
  • A copy of PAN card of corporate duly attested by the authorised signatory.
  • A self-attested copy of PAN of authorised signatory visiting the branch for submission.
  • At least one of the authorised signatories should visit the branch in person to submit its application for change of address, along with necessary documents and sign the     application once again in the presence of the branch officials.

  • Proof of Identity

  • A photocopy of the PAN card of the account holder visiting the Branch. If PAN copy is not submitted, the request will be rejected.

  • Proof of Address (to be taken for primary account holder)

  • Aadhaar Card
  • Passport
  • Voter ID
  • Driving license
  • Identity card/flat allotment letter having address issued by Central/State Government and its departments statutory/regulatory authorities, public sector undertakings,       scheduled commercial banks, public financial institutions, professional bodies such as ICAI, ICWAI, ICSI and Bar Council
  • 3-month bank statement/passbook (not more than 3 months old as on date of receipt of documents)

  • Bank Account Details

    Details of bank account of the client, including the 9-digit code number of the bank and branch appearing on the MICR cheques issued by the bank have to be given to the DP at the time of account opening. Companies use this information for printing them on dividend/interest warrants to prevent its misuse. In case the client wishes to change this bank account details, he can do so by submitting the changes in writing to the DP via modification form and copy of cancelled cheque.


  • A client can make a nomination of his/her account in favour of any person by filing the nomination form with his DP. Such nomination is considered to be conclusive evidence of       the account holder(s) disposition in respect of all the securities in the account for which the nomination is made.
  • Nominees can be appointed by individuals only. Non-individuals including society, trust, body corporate, partnership firm, Karta of Hindu undivided family, holder of power of       attorney cannot nominate. Where a minor is appointed as a nominee, the name and address of the guardian is also required to be obtained.
  • The nomination can be changed/deleted anytime by the account holder(s) by submitting a duly filled-in nomination form to the branch where his demat account is maintained.
  • NSDL vide Circular Number # NSDL/POLICY/2016/0096 dated 01/12/2016 and CDSL vide Circular Number # CDSL/OPS/DP/SYSTM/6250 dated 17/11/2016 have facilitated       multiple nomination for demat accounts. Nomination can be made up to three nominees in a demat account. In case of multiple nominees, the client must specify the      percentage of share for each nominee that shall total up to hundred percent. In the event of the beneficiary owner not indicating any percentage of allocation/share for each of      the nominees, the default option shall be to settle the claims equally amongst all the nominees. Any odd lot after division shall be transferred to the first nominee mentioned in     the form.

  • Dematerialisation

  • Dematerialisation is the process by which a client can get physical certificates converted into electronic balances.

  • Rematerialisation

  • Rematerialisation is the process of converting the securities held in electronic form in a demat account to an equivalent number of securities in physical form (certificates) after       debiting the same from the demat account.

  • Transposition cum Demat

  • This is a facility whereby securities held jointly can be dematerialised in an account of same joint holders but having different sequence of names. e.g. securities held in joint       names of X and Y can also be dematerialised in an account opened in the names of Y and X by submitting an additional form called transposition formalong with       dematerialisationrequest form (DRF) to the DP.

  • Consolidation of Accounts

    Some clients could have opened multiple accounts to dematerialise their shares held in multiple combinations and sequence of names. However, they may not need so many accounts after they have dematerialised their securities and may want to bring all their shareholdings into one or fewer accounts. Using off-market account transfer instruction such consolidation can be done.

    Closure of Account

    If you want to close your demat account, you need to make a request for it in the prescribed form. The account closure form is available on website and at any Branch providing demat services. Please submit the duly filled-up form at the branch where your demat is maintained.

    Before submitting the form, please ensure that:

  • Either there are no holdings in the account or you have requested transfer of all the holdings present in the account in the account-closure form (transferring the holding       balance to the credit of another demat account opened by the same account holder(s) either with the same DP or with a different DP.)
  • You have paid all your dues.

  • Freezing of Accounts

    Account freezing means suspending any further transaction from the depository account till the account is de-frozen. The client has an option to freeze his account in case he does not intend to do any transaction in the near future. These helps in curbing unauthorised use of demat account and prevention of frauds. Once freezed, the account can be de-freezed only on the instruction of the account holders.

    De-freezing of the account is required to enable the account again for transaction.

    A depository account maintained with a DP can be frozen if the DP receives a freeze request form from the client. A frozen account can be de-frozen or re-activated if the client submits unfreeze request form to the DP.

    Demat Services/Utilities

  • IDeAS(NSDL): facility to check balance and transactions online.
  • SPEED-e (NSDL): facility to submit delivery instructions to us through SPEED- e website https//eservices.nsdl.com/
  • Easi (CDSL): Access of Demat account through the internet to check the details of their holdings/ valuation and transactions, corporate announcements, anytime anywhere,       through CDSL’s website www.cdslindia.com
  • Easi/Easiest(CDSL): electronic access to securities information and execution of secured transactions.
  • Open Now
  • Download Form
  • Demat Account : About Demat

    What is Dematerialisation of Securities (demat)? and How does it work?

  • Dematerialisation of Securities (demat)
  • Process of dematerialisation
  • Availability of forms
  • Filling up the form
  • Submitting the form
  • Rejection of demat requests
  • Transmission-cum-demat

  • Dematerialisation of Securities (Demat)

    Dematerialisation is the process of converting the securities held in physical form (certificates) to an equivalent number of securities in electronic form and crediting the same to the investor's demat account.

    Selected securities announced by SEBI can be delivered only in demat form in the stock exchanges connected to NSDL/CDSL.

    All the names on the demat account opening form should be exactly the same as stated on the physical certificates to ensure seamless dematerialization of securities.

    Process of Dematerialisation

  • An investor intending to dematerialise its securities needs to have a demat account with a DP.
  • To convert the physical shares into electronic/demat form, a dematerialization request form (DRF), has to be filled in and deposited along with share certificates. The investor has to deface and surrender the certificates registered in its name to the DP. On each share certificate, 'surrendered for dematerialization' needs to be mentioned.
  • The DP needs to process this request along with the share certificates to the company and simultaneously to registrars and transfer agents through the depository.
  • After intimating depository electronically, the DP sends the securities to the concerned issuer/R&T agent.
  • If the issuer/R&T agent finds the certificates in order, they communicate to depository the confirmation of dematerialisation request electronically and the share certificates in the physical form will be destroyed.
  • The depository will then confirm the dematerialization of shares to the DP. Once this is done, a credit in the holding of shares will reflect in the investor's demat account electronically.
  • The normal time taken for credit of shares to the account after confirmation by the Registrar is about 30 days. However, the time taken would vary from one registrar to another over which Bank has no control.

  • Availability of Forms

    Submit a completely filled-up demat request form (DRF) in triplicate for each ISIN along with the defaced physical certificates. The forms are available at any Bank of Baroda branch offering demat services.

    Filling up the form

    Ensure that security mentioned on the certificates is eligible for demat. For being eligible for demat, the company has to sign up with NSDL/CDSL.

    Use a separate DRF for each security having a unique International Security Identification Number (ISIN). Verify the certificates carefully and mention the correct ISIN. In case two or more sets of certificates of the same security have different ISIN (this is possible in case of partly paid up shares and non-pari passu shares), use separate DRFs for each ISIN. However, you can dematerialise multiple folio nos. of the same pattern of holders relating to the same ISIN under a single DRF.

    Submit certificates under lock-in under separate DRF. Do not mix the same with free securities. In case of locked-in securities, fill up the lock-in reason and lock-in release date on the DRF. Amongst lock-in securities belonging to the same ISIN but having different lock-in release dates or lock-in reason, make separate DRF requests.

    Demat requests received from client(s) with name(s) not matching exactly with the name(s) appearing on the certificates merely on account of initials not being spelt out fully or put after or prior to the surname, can be processed. However, this is possible only if the signature(s) of the client(s) on the DRF tallies with the specimen signature(s) available with the Issuer or its Registrar. For example, the shareholder may have opened the depository account in the name of Tanmay Kumar Shah but his name on the share certificate may appear as T.K. Shah or Tanmay Shah, etc.

    The combination and the order of holders' names on DRF and as printed on the certificates should be identical with that in the DP account. For example, if the shares are in the name of X, Y (X as first holder and Y and second holder) it cannot be dematerialised in the account of either X or Y alone. Also if the shares are in the name of X, they cannot be dematerialised in the account of X, Y (X as first holder and Y as second holder).

    However, where the combination of holders is the same in the certificates and in the demat account, and the difference is only in the order in which the name of the holders appear on the share certificates and in the demat account, dematerialisation is possible. Here, you have to submit a transposition request form along with the DRF. The form is also available at the nearest Branch.

    The DRF must be signed by all the account holders and should be in the same order. The signature on the DRF should match with the specimen signature with Bank of Baroda. If the signature differs, you should sign the DRF in the presence of the Branch Officer

    The details of certificates such as the folio no., certificate no., and distinctive no. must be filled up correctly on the DRF.

    Submitting the form

    You must deface the certificates by putting a stamp or by writing ''Surrendered for Dematerialisation". However, defacing should be done only after checking the eligibility of security, as defaced securities cannot be sold in physical form. If defacing has been done by mistake then you should send the same to registrar for replacement.

    *NSDL Business Rule 11.1.7.

    The Participant shall ensure that the certificates submitted for dematerialisation are marked by the Client (customer) with the words "Surrendered for Dematerialisation".

    Certificates should not be mutilated or defaced in such a way that the material information is not readable. Ensure that the certificates are attached in the same order as mentioned in the DRF. You should submit the DRF in triplicate to the branch. The acknowledgement slip at the bottom of the form will be stamped and handed over to you after verification by Bank official.

    Rejection of Demat Requests

    Dematerialisation request may get rejected for various below mentioned reasons either at the demat back office of Bank of Baroda or by the Registrar. Dematerialisation is done by the Registrar only when it is satisfied of genuineness of securities and ownership status.

    On a rejection, the securities are sent back to DP stating the reason for the rejection. DP returns the rejected DRF request to branch and customer can collect from branch.

    Customer can resubmit the certificates for dematerialisation after resolving the reason for the rejection. Please resubmit on a fresh DRF. Do not use the same DRF on which the objection was made.

    Some common reason for Rejection of DRF request:

    A dematerialisation request can be rejected in the case of the following objections:

  • Signature(s) of client on demat request form do not tally with specimen of signatures holder(s) recorded with R&T agent.
  • Details of all/some certificate(s) differ in demat request form received by R&T agent from DP.
  • Name(s) of holder(s) on all/some certificates received by R&T agent differs in demat request form received by R&T Agent from DP.
  • Physical quantity of shares/certificates received by R&T Agent from DP is less than or more than what is mentioned in demat request number or form.
  • All/ some certificates received by R&T Agent from DP is/are found to be fake.
  • All/ some certificates received by R&T Agent from DP is/are reported lost or stolen and a stop is recorded in computer master file(s) of R&T Agent.
  • All/ some certificate(s) sent to incorrect R&T Agent by DP.
  • Stop recorded as per Bank lien/Statutory Authority/Court Order, etc. in computer master file(s) of R&T Agent against all/some certificates) received for dematerialisation       from DP.

  • Transmission-cum-Demat

    In case of certificates held jointly, on the death of any one or more of the joint holder(s) mentioned on the certificate, the surviving joint holder(s) can get the name(s) of the deceased deleted from the physical certificate(s) and get the securities dematerialised in the DP account of the surviving holder(s) by submitting the following documents along with the DRF:

  • A copy of the death certificate duly notarised
  • A copy of the succession certificate duly notarised or an order of a court of competent jurisdiction where the deceased has not left a Will or
  • A copy of the Probate or Letter of Administration duly notarised.
  • Transmission of securities refers to the transfer of securities from an account to another as a result of the death of the sole/any of the holders of the former account. For this the latter need not approach each issuing company or its R & T Agent. Only the DP of the former account needs to be approached. Here the transfer may be done to:

    Surviving holders

    If the former account is a joint holding account and there is at least one survivor, the survivor(s) can request the DP for the securities to be transferred to his/their demat account. Surviving holder(s) has to request the DP vide a form called the transmission form along with a copy of notarised death certificate and original client master having demat account details of surviving holder to transmit the securities lying in the account of the deceased holder. For this purpose, the surviving clients must have a depository account, which can be with the same DP or with a different DP.

    Nominee where a nomination has been made

    Upon the death of sole account holder or there is no survivor amongst the account holders and a nomination had been made by the holder(s) earlier, the nominee can request the DP for the securities to be transferred to his demat account.

    The nominee must request the DP in writing along with a certified true copy of the death certificate and transmission form and original client master having demat account details to transmit the securities covered by the nomination to the account of the nominee. The DP will ensure the completeness of the form and validity of the signature of the client and then execute the transmission request. Thus, transmission of securities where nomination has been made eliminates the need of cumbersome legal documents such as will, succession certificate, etc.

    In addition to the documents specified under above, an affidavit duly completed by the nominee in the format specified by NSDL/CDSL and attested by a notary/magistrate should be submitted by the claimant.

    Legal heir where nomination has not been made

    In case of death of the sole holder, the legal heir(s) or legal representative(s) of the deceased must request the DP to transmit the balances lying in the client account of the deceased to the account of the legal heir(s) or legal representative(s). For this, the legal heir (s) or the legal representative(s) of such securities must submit an instruction called the transmission form to the DP along with the following documents:

  • A copy of the death certificate duly notarised
  • A copy of the succession certificate duly notarised or an order of a court of competent jurisdiction where the deceased has not left a Will; or
  • A copy of the Probate or Letter of Administration duly notarised.
  • However, if the legal heir(s) or the legal representative(s) express inability to produce either of the documents mentioned under (b) and (c) above, and the market value of the securities held in each account of the deceased as on the date of application for transmission does not exceed Rs. 1 lakh, then the DP will process the transmission request on the basis of the following documents:

  • Transmission form;
  • Copy of the death certificate duly notarised;
  • Letter of Indemnity duly supported by a guarantee of an independent surety acceptable to the DP, made on appropriate non judicial stamp paper;
  • An affidavit made on appropriate non judicial stamp paper; and
  • No objection certificate(s) from all the legal heir(s) who do not object to such transmission.
  • Original client master having demat account details
  • The DP will ensure that the documents submitted by the legal heir(s) or the legal representative(s) are in order and will then effect a transfer of the balances to the client account of the legal heir(s) or the legal representative(s). After effecting the transmission, the DP will close the account of the deceased.

    Demat Account : Other information


    Dematerialization (Demat) is the process by which securities held in physical form evidencing the holding of securities by any person are cancelled and destroyed and the ownership thereof is entered into and retained in a fungible form on a depository by way of electronic balances.

    Demat facilitates paperless trading whereby securities transactions are executed electronically reducing/mitigating possibility of loss of related documents and/or fraudulent transactions

    Trading in demat form is regulated by the Depositories Act, 1996 and is monitored by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). There are only two depositories presently functioning in India and they are the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) & the Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL).

    Basic Services Offered by Depositories

    Under the provisions of the Depositories Act, the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and the Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) provide various services to investors and other participants in the capital market. This system, which facilitates paperless trading, offers various direct and indirect services to the market participants.

    A depository cannot directly open account and provide services to clients. Any person willing to avail of the services of the depository can do so by entering into an agreement with the depository through any of its Depository Participants (DPs).

    Depository Participant (DP)

    It works as an agent of the depository i.e. NSDL & CDSL. The various activities must be carried out as per prescribed procedures, failing which respective depositories impose financial penalties on DPs during audit and inspection. Hence, between the depository and the investors, the relationship care must be taken while carrying out various activities. Depository Participant (DP) is in fact an intermediary between the investor and the depository and is governed by an agreement made between the two (i.e. investor and DP) under the Depositories Act.

    CM: This account can be opened by a broker or by a clearing member for the purpose of settlement of trades executed on a recognized stock exchange.

    Benefits of Depository System

  • No stamp duty on transfer of shares.
  • Quick transfers/settlements (the very next day of pay-out).
  • Elimination of bad deliveries, forgery, loss of certificate in transit, etc.
  • Reduced paper work (no filling of transfer deed, affixation of stamps and lodgement of shares for transfer with the company).
  • Security of the stocks held as they are held in electronic form and hence no worries of holding the securities physically at home and avoidance of possible loss or theft of the     certificate(s), mutilation, forgery, etc.
  • Facility to pledge/hypothecate the securities.
  • Facility of trading in odd lots.
  • Quick transfer of shares.
  • Nomination facility available (for individuals).
  • In case of death of sole/joint holder(s) easy transmission of shares to the nominee or surviving joint holder(s).
  • Facilitates the company to determine entitlements like dividends and bonus easily and faster.

  • Account Opening

    To avail of the various services offered by Depositories (NSDL/CDSL), an investor/a broker/an approved intermediary (for lending and borrowing) has to open an account with a DP.

    Types of Accounts

  • Beneficiary Account
  • 1.An investor who wants to hold securities in Dematerialized (Demat) form and receive or deliver securities by inter-account transfers must have an account called beneficiary account with a DP of his choice.

  • Clearing Member Account
  • 1.Member brokers of those stock exchanges which have established electronic connectivity with NSDL/CDSL need to open a clearing member account, with a DP of his choice, to clear and settle trades in the demat form. This account is popularly known as settlement account or "Pool account". This account is meant only to transfer securities to and receive securities from the clearing corporation/house and hence, the member broker does not have any ownership (beneficiary) rights over the shares held in such an account.

    2.The process of opening a Demat account is very similar to that of a bank account. There are some common details which are required for any type of account opening with the     DP, these are:

  • Name of the account holder
  • Date of birth (for individual accounts)
  • Occupation and financial details
  • Address and phone/fax number
  • Bank details like name of bank, type of account (current/savings), account number, branch address, MICR, etc.
  • PAN number
  • Details of nomination (for individual accounts only)
  • Specimen signature.
  • E-mail address
  • Mobile number
  • Address for communication

  • CDSL e-voting


    NSDL e-Voting


    Contact Us

    The Asst. General Manager/Chief Manager
    Demat Care Team

    BOB Capital Markets Limited Business Square, 401/501, 4th Floor, B-Wing, Andheri-Kurla Road Andheri East, Mumbai 400059

    Tel : 8652-270270

    E-mail :dematcare@bobcaps.in

    In case of any grievance/complaint against the stock broker/Depository Participant: Compliance Officer of the BOBCAPS

    Mr. Sameer E. Khobrekar

    E-mail : compliance@bobcaps.in

    Phone No. : 022-61389358/321